Frambu seen from above

CANCELLED – Cancer in People with Intellectual Disabilities – Conference and workshops

Viktig informasjon:
Konferansen og workshopen Cancer in people with intellectual disabilities ,som skulle  holdes på Frambu 18. og 19. mai 2020, er avlyst som følge av restriksjoner knyttet til Corona-pandemien. Vi kommer tilbake til om konferansen kan gjennomføres på et senere tidspunkt. Følg med på Frambus og Aldring og helses nettsider.

Important information
The conference and workshop Cancer in people with intellectual disabilities, to be held at Frambu on May 18 and 19 2020, are cancelled due to restrictions related to the Corona pandemic. We will provide information later on whether the conference and workshop will be conducted at a later date. Please follow the websites and Aldring og helse.

Frambu Resource Centre for Rare Disorders (Frambu) and the Norwegian National Advisory Unit, Ageing and Health would like to welcome you to Frambu, Norway.

May 18, 2020: Conference
May 19, 2020: Workshops
May 4, 2020: Registration deadline

Cancer in people with intellectual disabilities

People with intellectual disabilities can also develop cancer. Detecting and treating cancer, and supporting people with intellectual disabilities who have cancer, can be highly challenging. This is an area that has received too little attention. Some research evidence is emerging about the cancer profile of this population (which differs from the general population) and the specific treatment and support needs of people with intellectual disabilities.

Why this conference?

This is the third gathering of an international group of researchers, clinicians and experts-by-experience, meeting to share their latest research and experiences in the field, and to learn from each other.

Who is the conference for?

Anyone with an interest in supporting people with intellectual disabilities who have cancer. Sessions will cover wide-ranging issues, from epidemiology to providing psychological support. It will be useful for oncologists, nurses, biologists, researchers, epidemiologists, professional caregivers, psychiatrists, psychologists, anthropologists, and family caregivers.

Listen, learn, reflect and discuss

We offer you two days at Frambu, situated just outside Oslo, Norway, to learn more and share your experiences in workshops in the field Cancer in people with intellectual disabilities.

Main topics

The program includes topics essential to people with intellectual disabilities who have cancer: epidemiology, genetics, cancer screening and early diagnostic, communication, cancer treatment, cancer pain, palliative care, the role of the family and obstacles to cancer care.

The conference: The lecturers will share their research and experiences to a national and international audience, through conference presentations.

The workshops: The researchers and expert professionals will hold workshops on topics related to the conference. A poster presentation will also be held. The workshops are open to national and international participants, but you must join them at the site of Frambu, not via video conference or streaming.

Adults with intellectual disabilities


Participation in the conference on May 18 is possible via video conference or streaming, while the workshops require on site participation at Frambu.

If you would like to participate by videoconferencing on May 18, please send an email to in order to register your participation.

The live stream will appear on this site on May 18 and will require you to register your name and email address before you get access.

If you have any questions regarding videoconferencing or streaming, please contact us by sending an email to

  • Taking part via video conference or streaming is free.
  • Taking part in the conference May 18 at Frambu: € 55/NOK 575.
  • Taking part in the workshops May 19 at Frambu: € 55/NOK 575.
  • The fee includes morning coffee, refreshments, lunch and material.
  • Norwegian family caregivers participate free of charge.
Accommodation at Frambu

The accommodation facilities at Frambu are decent, however it does not hold the same standard as a hotel. You must be prepared to share bathroom with other participants.

Frambu is situated in beautiful surroundings in the forest by a small lake very close to Oslo. The outdoor facilities, the building, the rooms and the bathrooms are universally designed. We can provide meeting rooms and informal meeting areas for talks and group discussions. Our surroundings are also suitable for conversations while taking a stroll, or just sitting by the lake exchanging views and experiences.

  • From May 17 to May 18, including a light meal in the evening and breakfast: € 100 (only offered to foreign participants).
  • From May 18 to May 19, including dinner and breakfast: € 55/NOK 575 (limited number of rooms available, priority will be given to foreign participants).

If you prefer accommodation in Oslo, you must organize this yourself.

Please note that Oslo is a popular city to visit this time of the year, especially on May 17 which is our Constitution day. You are advised to book ahead if you choose to stay in Oslo.

Arrival and check-in
Please note that Frambu is closed on May 16 and during the day on May 17.
The front desk will be open for inquiries and check-in from 4 pm on May 17, and will be open 24 hours from the time of your arrival throughout your stay. Our staff is available for any questions you might have.

You may arrive by bus no. 550 from the center of Oslo (Oslo bussterminal) to Frambu. The journey will take approximately 25-30 minutes, adding another 10 minutes walking the distance from the bus stop (Brokkenhus) to our main entrance.

Call for posters

We welcome the submission of abstracts for poster presentation on any topic relevant to Cancer in People with Intellectual Disabilities. At least one author should present the poster in person and must register for the conference. 

Please email your abstract (max 300 words) to The Scientific Committee via and clearly indicate that it is a conference poster abstract. 

Abstract deadline: April 30, 2020  

Notification of acceptance/rejection will be sent within two weeks of abstract submission. 

Poster boards are suitable for size 80 x 120 cm, portrait style. 

We look forward to seeing you at Frambu Resource Centre for Rare Disorders!


See glimpses from the two previous international symposiums here
