Cancer in people with intellectual disabilities: Epidemiology and genetics

This webinar is the first in a series of three hosted by Frambu Centre for Rare Disorders and the Norwegian National Advisory Unit Aging and Health. The second webinar takes place on April 28th (in English). The third webinar takes place on May 4th (in Norwegian).
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People with intellectual disabilities can also develop cancer. Detecting and treating cancer, and supporting people with intellectual disabilities who have cancer, can be highly challenging. This is an area that has received too little attention. Some research evidence is emerging about the cancer profile of this population, which differs from the general population, and the specific treatment and support needs of people with intellectual disabilities.

The lecturers will share their research and experiences and there will be time for questions and discussions. Today’s sessions include cancer in people with varying degrees of intellectual disabilities, epidemiology and genetics. It will be useful for anyone with an interest in supporting people with intellectual disabilities who have cancer, like oncologists, nurses, biologists, researchers, epidemiologists, professional caregivers, psychiatrists, psychologists, anthropologists, family caregivers and students.

Bilde av voksne med utviklingshemning

Program April 27. 2021

Heidi E. Nag and Stine Skorpen

Cancers in people with moderate, severe or profound intellectual disability
Daniel Satgé

D Satgé – presentation

13.35 – 14.05
Epidemiology of demise because of cancer in individuals with and without intellectual disabilities
Maarten Cuypers

14.05 – 14.15
Short break

14.15 – 14.45
Genetics in cancer linked to people with intellectual disabilities
Raoul C M Hennekam

14.45 – 15.00
Summing up the webinar
Information on the third International Symposium on Cancer and Intellectual Disabilities in Edinburgh, Scotland, 2022/23
Heidi E. Nag and Stine Skorpen

Chairs and lecturers
Heidi E. Nag Heidi E. Nag
Chair of the webinar, Frambu Resource Centre for Rare Disorders, Norway. Special educational advisor at Frambu since 2005. PhD on Smith-Magenis syndrome and challenging behaviour..
Stine Skorpen Stine Skorpen
Co-chair of the webinar. Nurse Consultant, Norwegian National Advisory Unit on Ageing and Health.
Daniel Sagté Daniel Satgé
MD, PhD, Oncodefi, association dedicated to the best care of cancer in people with intellectual disability, Montpellier, France.
Maarten Cruypers Maarten Cuypers
Postdoctoral Researcher at Radboud University Medical Center in Nijmegen, Netherlands. Project on cancer epidemiology in people with intellectual disabilities.
Raoul C Hennekam Raoul C M Hennekam
MD, PhD, Professor of Pediatrics and Translational Genetics, Amsterdam, the Netherlands


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