Vitenskapelige artikler og andre publikasjoner


Suicidal Risk Behaviors in Adolescents With Rare Neurodevelopmental Disorders: The Role of Sex, Autistic Traits, and Mental Health Difficulties
Orm, S., Wood, J., Corbett, B., & Fjermestad, K. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, Volume 48, Issue 10, October 2023, Pages 852–860,

Subjective versus objective sleep in men with Klinefelter syndrome
Fjermestad, K.W., Finnbakk, R.R., Solbakk, A.-K., Gravholt, C.H., Huster, R.J. Oprhanet Journal of Rare Disorders. 18, 260, 2023.

Struggling to participate in everyday life – Emerging adults’ experiences of living with long-term health challenges
Rasalingam A, Brekke I, Stenberg U, Haaland-Øverby M, Helseth S. BMC Public Health, 2023, 23(1):1368.

The use of Teach Back at hospital discharge to support self-management of prescribed medication for secondary prevention after stroke
Sebastian Lindblom, Charlotte Ytterberg, Maria Flink, Axel C Carlsson, Una Stenberg, Malin Tistad, Lena von Koch, Ann Charlotte Laska. Healthcare, 2023, 11(3):391.

The Caregiver Pathway: a Model for Systematic and Individualized Follow-up of Family Caregivers at Intensive Care Units: Development Study
Solbjørg Watland, Lise Solberg Nes, Elizabeth Hanson, Mirjam Ekstedt, Una Stenberg, Elin Børøsund. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2023, 25(7):46299.

Attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities in Norway
Stian Orm, Celina Blikstad-Blumenthal & Krister Fjermestad. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities, 1–7.

Mentalization and cognitive skills in men with Klinefelter syndrome versus non-clinical controls
Fjermestad, K.W., Bergh, N., Fleten, S. K., Huster, R. J., Gravholt, C., & Solbakk, A.-K. Psychiatry Research Communications, Volume 3, Issue 2, June 2023.

Enabling primary healthcare service development with patient participation: A qualitative study of the internal facilitator role in Norway 
Sandvin-Olsson A.B, Strøm A, Haaland-Øverby M, Fredriksen K, Stenberg U. Primary Health Care Research & Development, 2023; 24: e57. DOI 10.1017/S1463423623000488

Systemic immuneprofile in Prader-Willi syndrome: Elevated matrix metalloproteinase and myeloperoxidase and reduced macrophage inhibitory factor
Marianne Nordstrøm. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2023 Jul 10;18 (1):185. DOI 10.1186/s13023-023-02730-5.

Weight reduction and dietary improvements in a cluster-randomised controlled intervention study for adults with intellectual disabilities
Røstad-Tollefesen H. K., Kolset S. O., Retterstøl K., Hesselberg H., & Nordstrøm M. (2023). Food & Nutrition Research, 67.

The development of SIBS-ONLINE, a group-based video conference intervention for siblings of children with chronic disorders and their parents
Torun M. Vatne, Yngvild B. Haukeland, Krister W. Fjermestad.  PEC Innovation, Volume 3, 2023, 100220, ISSN 2772-6282.

Children’s basic needs: How do we create resilience in children, so they can thrive and sustain positive development?
Klara Øverland og Heidi Nag i Siv E. N. Sæbjørnsen, Mariana J. Makuu, Atle Ødegård (red): Change Agents, An interprofessional book about children with disabilities in Tanzania and Norway

Body mass index variation in adults with Williams syndrome: Associations with predicted dietary intake and food behaviors
Marianne Nordstrøm. Food Nutr Res. 2023 Jun 23:67. 10.29219/fnr.v67.9321.



A qualitative study of men’s experience of being a father in families with childhood disability
Vatne, T. M., Dahle, S. S., Haukeland, Y. B., & Fjermestad, K. W. (2022). Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. doi:10.1007/s10882-022-09847-8
Early behavioral interventions for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder in routine clinical care: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Wergeland, G. J. H., Posserud, M.-B., Fjermestad, K., Njardvik, U., & Öst, L.-G. (2022). Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. Advance online publication. doi:10.1037/cps0000106
Competence building in child mental health -A Norway-Cambodia transcultural experience
Hafting, M., Puthy, P., Aadland, G., Fjermestad, K., & Jegannathan, B. (2022). Nordic Psychology, 1-19. doi:10.1080/19012276.2022.2066561
A systematic review of social support for siblings of children with neurodevelopmental disorders
Kirchhofer, S. M., Orm, S., Haukeland, Y. B., Fredriksen, T., Wakefield, C. E., & Fjermestad K. W. (2022). Research in developmental disabilities, 126, 104234. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2022.104234
Short report: COVID-19-related anxiety is associated with mental health problems among adults with rare disorders
Fjermestad, K. W., Orm, S., Silverman, W. K., & Cogo-Moreira, H. (2022). Research in Developmental Disabilities, 123, 104181. doi:10.1016/j.ridd.2022.104181
A Systematic Review of Parent–Child Communication Measures: Instruments and Their Psychometric Properties
Zapf, H., Boettcher, J., Haukeland, Y. et al. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev (2022). doi:10.1007/s10567-022-00414-3
De glemte barna – en kartleggingsstudie av tilbud til og muligheter for pårørende søsken i norske kommuner
Haukeland, Y., Rønning, A.H, Nes, R. og Vatne, T. Psykologitidsskriftet mai 2022. doi:10.52734/82j9M28u
Primary healthcare professionals`experiences with patient participation in healthcare service development: a qualitative study
Ann Britt Sandvin Olsson, Una Stenberg, Tor Slettebør, Mette Haaland-Øverby og Anita Strøm. PEC Innovation. doi:10.1016/j.pecinn.2022.100068
Helsekompetanse og styrket mestring hos barn og unge som pårørende
Una Stenberg, Inger Johanne Bergerød, Kari Fredriksen, Dagmara Bossy, Kari Bøckmann, Karen Therese Sulheim Haugstvedt og Andre Vågan. Fontene forskning, juni 2022
Lærings- og mestringstilbud til voksne pårørende – en oppsummering av forskningslitteratur
Andre Vågan, Una Stenberg, Fredrik Hjärthag, Inger Johanne Bergerød, Kari Fredriksen, Kari Bøckmann, Dagmara Bossy og Karen Therese Sulheim Haugstvedt. Rapport NK LMH 1/2022, Nasjonal kompetansetjeneste for læring og mestring innen helse (
Hospital social workers`contributions to increase health literacy among parents of acutely and critically ill children
Ida Krag-Rønne Mannsåker, Andre Vågan, Una Stenberg og Amy Østertun Geirdal. The European Journal of Social Work, Volume 26, 2023
Hospital Social Workers`Boundary Work in Pediatric Acute Wards – Competitive or Collaborative?
Ida Krag-Rønne Mannsåker, Andre Vågan, Una Stenberg og Amy Østertun Geirdal. The British Journal of Social Work, Volume 52, Issue 5, July 2022, Pages 2595–2612. Doi: 10.1093/bjsw/bcab209
A 15-20-year follow-up of mental health, psychosocial functioning and quality of life in a single center sample of individuals with differences in sex delevopment
Anne Waehre,Charlotte Heggeli, Kirsten Hald, Anne Grethe Myhre, Trond Diseth. Health Psychol Behav. doi:10.1080/21642850.2022.2116329
New approaches to the study of behavioural phenotypes
Nærland, T., Nag, H. E., Dønnum, M. S., Høyland, A. L., and Heussler, H. S. (2022). Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 66: 667– 668.

Trening og fysisk aktivitet for personer med Charcot-Marie-Tooth sykdom
Andreas Lahelle, Mari Ellefsen-Martinsen, Hanne Ludt Fossmo, Andreas Dybesland Rosenberger, Aristomo Andries, Kjell Arne Arntzen, Cecilie Thommessen, Christian Alexander Vedeler, Kristin Ørstavik. Fysioterapeuten nr 4 2022.




Fredriksen T, Vatne TM, Haukeland YB, Tudor M, Fjermestad KW.
Siblings of children with chronic disorders: Family and relational factors as predictors of mental health
Journal of Child Health Care. PMID 34727780

Giltvedt K, Andresen M, Gisleberg K, Nordstrøm M.
Fysioterapi til barn med nevrodegenerativ sykdom og behov for palliasjon
Fysioterapeuten januar 2021. PMID: 210126

Giltvedt K, Ellefsen-Martinsen M.
Leve NÅ – et nytt palliasjonstilbud til barn
Tidsskrift for barne- og ungdomsfysioterapi 93/2021

Haukeland Y., Vatne TM, Mossige S, Fjermestad KW.
Psychosocial functioning in siblings of children with rare disorders compared to controls. Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine
Yale J Biol Med. 2021 Dec; 94(4): 537–544. PMID: 34970091

Haukeland Y, Vatne T, Fjermestad K, Mossige S.
Parent-child communication about emotions during SIBS – a joint intervention for siblings and parents of children with chronic disorders
Nordic Psychology. 1-17. DOI: 10.1080/19012276.2021.1986850

Hope S, Nærland T, Nordstrøm M, Kolset SO, Retterstøl K, Aanonsen NO og Ersfjord EMI.
Store utfordringer med kosthold ved autisme 5.9.21

Kristjansdottir OB, Vågan A, Svavarsdóttir MH, Børve HB, Hvinden K, Duprez V, Hecke AV, Heyn L, Strømme H, Stenberg U.
Training interventions for healthcare providers offering group-based patient education. A scoping review

Patient Educ Couns. 2021 May;104(5):1030-1048. PMID: 33583649 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2020.12.006

Kristoffersen KE.
Hvordan kan lingvistiske analyseverktøy og forskningsfunn bidra til logopedien?
Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi,4/2021, s. 6-12

Kristoffersen, Rygvold, Klem, Valand, Asbjørnsen & Næss
Terminologi for vansker med språk hos barn og unge – en konsensusstudie
Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi, 3/21

Kristoffersen KE.
Kapittel 14 Sammenhengen mellom språkutvikling og lesing og betydningen av tidlig innsats
i Trond Lekang og Torill Moen (red.). Tilpasset opplæring og tidlig innsats i ordinær undervisning og i spesialundervisning.
Universitetsforlaget 2021. ISBN: 9788215034416

Mannsåker KRI, Vågan A, Geirdal ØA, Stenberg U.
Hospital social workers`contributions to increasing health literacy among parents of acutely and critically ill children
European Journal of Social Work. 2021 Dec 28.

Nag HE, Nærland T.
Age-related changes in behavioural and emotional problems in Smith–Magenis syndrome measured with the Developmental Behavior Checklist
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, 25(4), 429-440. PMID: 31984836

Nag H, Nærland T, Øverland K.
The Importance of School Leadership Support when Working with Students with Smith-Magenis Syndrome– A Q Methodology Study
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 1-17. 10.1080/1034912X.2021.1888893

Orm S, Vatne T, Haukeland YB, Silverman WK, Fjermestad K.
The validity of a measure of adjustment in siblings of children with developmental and physical disabilities: A brief report
Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 2021: 1-4. doi:10.1080/17518423.2020.1869338. PMID: 33393399

Orm S, Haukeland Y, Vatne T, Silverman W, Fjermestad KW.
Prosocial behavior is a relative strength in siblings of children with physical disabilities or autism spectrum disorder
Journal of Developmental or Physical Disabilities 2021.

Orm S, Vatne T, Tomeny TS, Fjermestad K.
Empathy and prosocial behavior in siblings of children with autism spectrum disorder: A systematic review 
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 10.1007/s40489-021-00251-0

Orm S, Fjermestad K.
A scoping review of psychosocial adjustment in siblings of children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 

Orm S, Haukeland Y, Vatne TM, Fjermestad KW.
Measuring family communication in pediatric nursing: Psychometric properties of the Parent-Child Communication Scale – Child Report (PCCS-CR)
Journal of Pediatric Nursing. doi: 10.1016/j.pedn.2021.10.022.34799202

Vaagan A, Olsson ABS, Arntzen C, Rise MB, Grue J, Haugland T, Langeland E, Stenberg U, Solvang PK.
Rethinking long-term condition management: An actor-level framework
Sociol Health Illn. 2021 Feb;43(2):392-407. doi: 10.1111/1467-9566.13228

Vatne, T.
Kapittel i bok av Stänicke, Tanum Johns og Landmark (Red.). Lek og kreativitet i psykoterapi med barn og ungdom
Gyldendal 2021 ISBN/EAN: 9788205538047

Vatne TM, Owren S, Wold KF, Zahl E, Fjermestad KW.
Youth and clinician evaluation of emotional communication in short-term counseling groups
Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 25(4), 334–348. 10.1037/gdn0000147

Welland NL, Hæstad H, Fossmo HL, Giltvedt K, Ørstavik K, Nordstrøm M.
The Role of Nutrition and Physical Activity as Trigger Factors of Paralytic Attacks in Primary Periodic Paralysis
J Neuromuscul Dis. 2021 Feb 24. DOI: 10.3233/JND-200604. PMID: 33646174




Fjermestad KW, Huster R, Thunberg C, Stokke S, Gravholt C, Solbakk AK.
Neuropsychological functions, sleep, and mental health in adults with Klinefelter syndrome
American Journal of Medical Genetics – Part C. 2020: 184c; 482– 492. doi:10.1002/ajmg.c.31797.

Fjermestad KW, Kanavin Ø, Nyhus L, Hoxmark LB.
Health service experiences among adults with hereditary spastic paraparesis or neurofibromatosis type 1
Molecular Genetics and Genomic Medicine; 2020: 00:e1399. PMID: 32924306.

Fjermestad K, Pat P, Dearozet S, Vatne T, Hafting M, Jegannathan B.
Manual-Based Group Intervention for Siblings and Parents of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Cambodia
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities. 2020. doi:10.1007/s10882-020-09777-3

Fjermestad KW, Silverman W, Vatne T.
Group intervention for siblings and parents of children with chronic disorders (SIBS-RCT): Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Trials. 2020: 21:851

Haukeland YB, Czajkowski NO, Fjermestad KW, Mossige S, Silverman WK, Vatne TM.
Evaluation of SIBS, an intervention for siblings and parents of children with chronic disorders
Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2020: 29, 2201–2217. doi:10.1007/s10826-020-0173

Kristjansdottir OB, Børøsund E, Westeng M, Ruland C, Stenberg U, Zangi HA, Stange K, Mirkovic J.
Mobile App to Help People With Chronic Illness Reflect on Their Strengths: Formative Evaluation and Usability Testing
JMIR Form Res. 2020 Mar 4;4(3):e16831. doi: 10.2196/16831. PMID: 32130126; PMCID: PMC7081135.

Nag HE, Nærland T.
Age-related changes in behavioural and emotional problems in Smith–Magenis syndrome measured with the Developmental Behavior Checklist
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities. January 2020. doi:10.1177/1744629519901051.PMID: 31984836

Nag HE, Øverland K, Nærland T.
School Staff’s Experiences and Coping Related to the Challenging Behaviour of Children with Smith-Magenis Syndrome in Schools: A Q Methodological Study
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education, 2020. DOI: 10.1080/1034912X.2020.1780199

Nordstrøm M, Retterstøl K, Hope S, Kolset SO.
Nutritional Challenges in children and adolescents with Down syndrome
The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health. 2020. Volume 4, Issue 6, p455-464. DOI: PMID: 32450124

Sandvin Olsson AB, Strøm A, Haaland-Øverby M, Fredriksen K, Stenberg U.
How can we describe impact of adult patient participation in health-service development? A scoping review
Patient Educ Couns. 2020 Aug;103(8):1453-1466. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2020.02.028. Epub 2020 Feb 20. PMID: 32098746.

Røstad-Tollefsen HK, Kolset SO, Retterstøl K, Hesselberg H, Nordstrøm M.
Factors influencing the opportunities of supporting staff to promote a healthy diet in adults with intellectual disabilities
J Appl Res Intellect Disabil. 2020 Dec 3. doi: 10.1111/jar.12846. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33274594.

Ålykkja A, Ruud E, Larsen MH, Vatne TM, Lie HC.
Available, but not always accessible: A nationwide, qualitative study of multidisciplinary healthcare providers’ experiences with follow-up care after paediatric brain tumour
Eur J Cancer Care (Engl). 2020 Nov 25:e13375. doi: 10.1111/ecc.13375. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33236388.



Annexstad EJ, Bollerslev J, Westvik J, Myhre AG, Godang K. I: Holm and M. Rasmussen.
The role of delayed bone age in the evaluation of stature and bone health in glucocorticoid treated patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
International Journal of Pediatric Endocrinology 2019:4. doi: 10.1186/s13633-019-0070-0. PMID 31739224.

Bliksrud YT, Myhre AG.
Hypofosfatasi – også lave P-ALP-verdier kan ha betydning
Klinisk biokemi i Norden Nr 1 vol. 31, 2019, s22-24

Diab SG, Godang K, Müller LO, Almaas R, de Lange C, Brunvand L, Hansen KM, Myhre AG, Døhlen G, Thaulow E, Bollerslev J, Möller T.
Progressive loss of bone mass in children with Fontan circulation
Congenit Heart Dis. 2019 Nov;14(6):996-1004. doi: 10.1111/chd.12848. PMID 31889957

Fjermestad KW, Haukeland YB, Mossige S, Vatne TM.
Children’s Perspectives on the Experiences of Their Siblings with Chronic Disorders
Clinical Social Work Journal 47, 290–299 (2019).

Fjermestad KW, Rø AE, Espeland KE, Halvorsen MS, Halvorsen IM.
Do I exist in this world, really, or is it just her?” Youths’ perspectives of living with a sibling with anorexia nervosa
Eat Disord. Jan-Feb 2020;28(1):80-95. doi:10.1080/10640266.2019.1573046

Fjermestad KW.
Health complaints and work experiences among adults with neurofibromatosis 1
Occup Med (Lond). 2019;69(7):504–510. doi:10.1093/occmed/kqz134. PMID 30712482

Kolset SO, Nordstrøm M.
God mat for kropp og helse ernæringsarbeid for mennesker med utviklingshemming
Fagbokforlaget, 2019.

Kolset SO, Nordstrøm M.
Kapittel 6.8 Ernæring og helse hos personer med utviklingshemming
I: Dagrun Engeset, Liv Elin Torheim og Nina Cecilie Øverby (red.) Samfunnsernæring. Universitetsforlaget, 2019

Kristoffersen KE. Lexical and gestural development in 5p deletion syndrome – a case report
Journal of communication disorders 83, 2020. ISSN 0021-9924.

Nag HE, Hoxmark LB, Nærland T.
Parental experiences with behavoiural problems in Smith-Magenis syndrome: The need for syndrome-specific competence
Journal of Intellectual Disabilities 2019. DOI: 10.1177/1744629519847375

Ribu IS, Simonsen HG, Løver MA, Strand BMS, Kristoffersen KE.
N-LARSP: a developmental language profile for Norwegian
I: Ball, M., Crystal, D., & Fletcher, P. (red.) Assessing Grammar: The Languages of LARSP. Communication Disorders Across Languages. Bristol: Multilingual matters. 2019.

Simonsen, H. G., Garmann, N. G. & Kristoffersen KE.
Consonant clusters in the speech of children with 5p deletion syndrome
I: Hognestad, J.K., Kinn, T. & Lohndal T. (red.): Fonologi, sosiolingvistikk og vitenskapsteori. Festskrift til Gjert Kristoffersen. Oslo: Novus, 2019.

Vatne TM, Haukeland YB, Mossige S, Fjermestad KW.
The development of a joint parent-child intervention for siblings of children with chronic disorders
Fokus på familien, 2019, 47(01), 20-35.

Treningsråd for voksne med muskelsykdom
NMK-samarbeidet, 2019



Bakke KA, Howlin P, Retterstøl L, Kanavin Ø, Heiberg A, Nærland T.
Effect of epilepsy on autism symptoms in Angelman syndrome
Molecular Autism 9, 2 (2018). PMID 29340132.

Fjermestad K, Nyhus L, Kanavin ØJ, Heiberg A, Hoxmark LB.
Health Survey of Adults with Neurofibromatosis 1 Compared to Population Study Controls
Journal of Genetic Counseling ( ISSN 1059-7700) October 2018, Volume 27, Issue 5, pp 1102–1110. PMID 29429039

Fossmo HL, Holtebekk E, Giltvedt K, Dybesland AR, Sanaker PS, Ørstavik K.
Fysisk trening hos voksne med arvelig muskelsykdom
Tidsskrift for Norsk Legeforening, 2018, nr 11. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.17.1024

Garman N, Kristoffersen K, Simonsen H.
Phonological patterns (templates) in 5p deletion syndrome
Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 2018, 32(2), 101 – 113. PMID 28498724. doi: 10.1080/02699206.2017.1316775.

Giltvedt K, Fossmo HL, Koht J.
Fysioterapi ved arvelig ataksi
Fysioterapeuten 6/2018.

Hope S, Nordstrøm M, Retterstøl K, Iversen PO, Kolset SO.
Retten til et helsefremmende kosthold for personer med utviklingshemning
Tidsskriftet (2018) 2. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.17.0985 PMID 29357630

Houge G, Mæhle IR, Eknes J.
Utviklingshemning – Årsaker og konsekvenser
Universitetsforlaget, 2018.

Kanavin ØJ, Fjermestad K.
Gastrointestinal and urinary complaints in adults with hereditary spastic paraparesis
Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 2018; 13: 58. PMID: 29661209.

Kolset S, Hope S, Retterstøl K, Nordstrøm M, Iversen P.
Securing rights and nutritional health for persons with intellectual disabilities – a pressing challenge
Food & Nutrition Research 2018;620. PMID: 29899685.

Lande A, Kroken M, Rabben KF. Retterstøl L.
Temple syndrome as a differential diagnosis to Prader-Willi syndrome: Identifying three new patients
American Journal of Medical Genetics. Part A. 2018 Jan;176(1):175-180. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.a.38533. PMID: 29159982

Nag H, Nordgren A, Anderlid BM, Nærland T.
Reversed gender ratio of autism spectrum disorder in Smith-Magenis syndrome
Molecular Autism. (ISSN 2040-2392) 2018 PMID 29321841.

Nordstrøm M.
Ernæringsbehandling av pasienter med spinal muskelatrofi – en litteraturstudie
Norsk Tidsskrift for Ernæring, 2018, nr 4.

Vatne TM.
Hvem skal ta omsorg for omsorgsarbeideren
Fagbladet, 2018.


Fjermestad K, Stokke S.
Sleep problems and life satisfaction as predictors of health in men with chromosome aneuploidies
Behav Med. Apr-Jun 2018;44(2):116-122. doi: 10.1080/08964289.2017.1282852. PMID: 28632005.

Holtebekk E, Giltvedt K, Rasmussen M, Fossmo HL, Hov B, Jæger TL.
Fysioterapi ved arvelige nevromuskulære tilstander: Duchennes muskeldystrofi
Fysioterapeuten nr 9, 2017.

Nag HE, Bergsaker DK, Hunn BS, Schmidt S, Hoxmark LB.
A structured assessment of motor function, behavior, and communication in patients with Wolf-Hirschhorn syndrome
Eur J Med Genet 2017 Nov;60(11):610-617. doi: 10.1016/j.ejmg.2017.08.013.

Nermoen I, Husebye ES, Myhre AG, Løvås K.
Classic congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2017 Apr 4;137(7):540-543. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.16.0376. eCollection 2017 Apr. PMID: 28383228

Nordstrøm M.
Kosthold og helse hos voksne med utviklingshemning
Norgesglasset, NRK radio, 21. november 2017

Nordstrøm M.
Ernæring, kosthold og diagnose
NAKUs kunnskapsbank desember 2017

Vatne T, Zahl E.
Emotional communication in support groups for siblings of children with disabilities
Patient Education & Counseling 2017 Nov;100(11):2106-2108. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2017.05.021. PMID: 28637611

Vatne TM.
Hvordan støtte foreldre til barn med livsforkortende sykdom?
Tidskrift for Den norske legeforening nr 11 2017. PMID 28597637

Øksendal N, Mero IL, Skogseid IM, Kanavin Ø, Toft M, Koht J.
ATP1A3 relatert sykdom, dystoni, ataksi eller alternerende hemiplegi in childhood (AHC)



Schmidt S, Nag HE, Hunn BS, Houge G, Hoxmark LB.
A structured assessment of motor function and behavior in patients with Kleefstra syndrome
European Journal of Medical Genetics Volume 59, Issue 4, April 2016, Pages 240–248. doi:10.1016/j.ejmg.2016.01.004

Fjelnset K, Owren S.
Er støttegrupper støttende? Observerende barn og fagpersoners vurderinger
Hovedoppgave i Psykologi, Psykologisk institutt, UIO. 2016

Hughes M.
Adjustment in siblings of children with chronic health conditions: Associations with parent depression, anxiety, and stress.
Hovedoppgave i Psykologi, Psykologisk institutt, UIO. 2016

Vatne TM, Fjermestad KW, Haukeland YB, Mossige S.
The development of a joint parent-child intervention for siblings of children with chronic disorders.

Haukeland YB, Vatne TM, Fjermestad KW, Mossige S.
Parent-child communication about emotional challenges experienced by siblings of children with chronic health conditions.



Vatne TM, Helmen IØ, Bahr D, Kanavin Ø, Nyhus L.
She Came out of mum’s Tummy the Wrong way” (Mis) Conceptions Among Siblings of Children with Rare Disorders
Journal of genetic counseling, 24 (2), 247-258. DOI: 10.1007/s10897-014-9757-9

Haukeland YB, Fjermestad KW, Mossige S, Vatne TM.
Emotional Experiences Among Siblings of Children With Rare Disorders
Journal of pediatric psychology 40 (7), 712-720. doi: 10.1093/jpepsy/jsv022

Bjaastad JF, Haugland BS, Fjermestad KW, Torsheim T, Havik OE, Heiervang ER, Öst LG.
Competence and Adherence Scale for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CAS-CBT) for Anxiety Disorders in Youth: Psychometric Properties
Psychol Assess 2015 Oct 12. Epub 2015 okt 12. PMID: 26460894.

Fjermestad KW, Lerner MD, McLeod BD, Wergeland GJ, Heiervang ER, Silverman WK, Öst LG, De Los Reyes A, Havik OE, Haugland BS.
Therapist-youth agreement on alliance change predicts long-term outcome in CBT for anxiety disorders
J Child Psychol Psychiatry 2015 Dec 9. Epub 2015 des 9. PMID: 26647901

Wergeland GJ, Fjermestad KW, Marin CE, Haugland BS, Silverman WK, Öst LG, Havik OE, Heiervang ER.
Predictors of dropout from community clinic child CBT for anxiety disorders
J Anxiety Disord 2015 Apr;31():1-10. Epub 2015 jan 22. PMID: 25637909

Nordstrøm M, Paus B, Andersen F, Kolset S.
Dietary aspects related to health and obesity in Williams syndrome, Down syndrome and Prader–Willi syndrome
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